


Easy to understand questions

Legal and security compliant

Documents in as little as 2 hours

Where would you like to form your business?

Trusted by:

Secured by:

Streamlined Process

We handle the complexities, paperwork, and legal requirements, allowing you to focus on building your business and pursuing your vision.

Expert Guidance

With our experienced team by your side, you gain access to expert guidance throughout the incorporation process.

Guaranteed Results

By following our proven process, you can have confidence in the accuracy and completeness of your incorporation.

Why incorporate?

Incorporating a business has many legal, financial and personal benefits. Once incorporated, your business becomes its own legal entity and limits the liability of its shareholders. It also provides a business with long-term stability, a professional reputation and may even make your company more investable.

How do I incorporate?

Filing Articles of Incorporation online is the easiest way to incorporate your business. With our incorporation package, you simply answer a short questionnaire and your business will be incorporated in as few as 1-2 days.

Do I need a lawyer to incorporate?

You do not need a lawyer to incorporate. Whether you wish to consult a lawyer prior to forming a corporation is a matter of personal preference and your business situation.

How can you help me incorporate?

Our incorporation services are quick, reliable and guaranteed. Our online incorporation form breaks down the incorporation process into a step-by-step questionnaire for you to fill in at your convenience. Any questions you have can be answered through our on-screen FAQ or by calling one of our Customer Support representatives. Once you have submitted your information, we will review your incorporation documents for accuracy before filing your Articles with the government. You will receive confirmation when your registration is complete.